HAIKUS I sit jobless now, Thousands of open jobs there - Not a one for me. Sunshine is outside Here I sit, eyes glazed over Captive of the screen. Resume looks great. Sending it to everyone. Shit! Still no nibbles. Writing a short poem with seventeen syllables is very diffi Casino calls out, Books and games want attention. But jobsites prevail. Blackballed in the field? Friends laughing behind my back? Hmm. Paranoia. Poems, food, jokes, music. So many files to play with. But I have much time. White. No, I think black. My next single man chess move. Boredom knows no bounds. 5 mile run each day. Daily martial arts workout. Only in my dreams. Computer has died. Screaming loudly does not help. Ctrl-Alt-Del. Blue screen of death shows. Have I backed up recently? Uh, oh. I think not. > _ ? (Broket under ques) ^ / ‘ & (Caret slash tick ampersand) ~ @ * ! (Tilda at splat bang)